Aurora Srl Società Sportiva Dilettantistica Senza Fini di Lucro has its operational headquarters in via Guglielmo Marconi 37, 60020, Camerata Picena (Ancona - Italy). Aurora srl SSD is affiliated to FIDS (Italian Federation of Sports Dance) and consequently to CONI, the Italian National Olympic Committee, of which the aforementioned federation is an official member. In the context of the international sports system, however, the reference institutions are the WDSF (World Dance Sport Federation), of which FIDS is a "Full Member" and the IOC (International Olympic Committee) which includes Dance Sport in the World Games program. , ranking the WDSF among the IWGA (International World Games Association) and ARISF (Association of the IOC Recognized International Sports Federation) federations. Finally, in Paris 2024, the Danza Sportiva will make its first, historic, appearance at the Olympic Games. Present in the Camerata Picena area since 2005, Aurora is responsible for disseminating the discipline of Sports Dance through the teaching of the techniques of different dance styles, participation in events and manifestations of sport / artistic / cultural extraction and collateral initiatives, such as projects parallel for educational, competitive and social purposes. The Values on which Aurora's philosophy is based, which are decisive for sharing one's Vision & Mission, are: Team Spirit and Aggregation, Discipline, Tenacity and Determination. and prestigious Specialized Center of Sports Dance in the World, which is based in via Filippo Turati 30, 40062, Molinella (Bologna - Italy) and which, in addition to holding the gold medal record at the World Championships of the various sports dance disciplines , deals with constant and continuous training for all operators in this sector. Finally, in 2017, once the competitive career is over, the reference technicians of Aurora, Federica Brugiati & Alessandro Barbero, undertake the training courses aimed at achieving the qualification of Federal Technicians, constantly updating their position, in terms of qualification to ' teaching for oneself and for anyone who wants to take the path to become a Trainer, Teacher or Federal Technician. Aurora, therefore, is aimed at all those who, through the learning of different kinds of dance, carry out sporting activities under any profile. The purpose, therefore, is to promote Sports Dance at a competitive and amateur level: in the first case by training Athletes, Trainers and Technicians able to face competitions, depending on the role covered, in the different categories and classes of belonging, in the second case enhancing the playful, recreational, associative aspect, which involves those who practice social dance without any agonistic ambitions.

It is a unique lifestyle, a distinctive trait that characterizes all those who have Dance Sport in their hearts, whether they are operators working in the sector, athletes, technicians, managers, dancers for hobbies, fans or simple enthusiasts and sympathizers of this. wonderful Sport. What holds everyone together is the passion for this environment, where the music, the gesture and the harmony of the movement come together in an ever new emotion to be experienced for oneself and to be transmitted to others. The "lifestyle" of the Dancer is something that enters you from the moment you take your first steps, that attraction towards rhythm, technique, interpretation, aesthetic sense, colors, smells and attention to detail that make you put aside all the rest in function of Sport Dance, spontaneously giving birth to a spirit of sacrifice, dedication and all the values that arise from it. It is an indelible sign that cannot be erased, even when for any reason the activity in the first person should be interrupted, because the charge and energy that animate us when we dance has nothing to do with reason, but concerns the genuineness of what our emotional sphere needs to share. This is why those who cannot unleash all this on the track often reinvent themselves in other roles, creating together with the others a unique context of its kind, sometimes incomprehensible to those outside it, but absolutely logical in its apparent madness and experienced as a rare privilege for those lucky enough to stay inside. In our heart there is room for everything that revolves in the orbit around the life of every dancer, whether taught or passionate, because one cannot help but feed on those adrenaline rushes that only Dance Sport can give.


Aurora has been carrying out projects aimed at the environment for several years. Small gestures to safeguard something bigger: our planet. Just like when you take a position for the first waltz, the important thing is not what you know how to do or who you dance with, what matters is what you want to become. "Nothing is born from diamonds, flowers are born from manure" Fabrizio De André

Set the change in motion

#ECODANCESPORT is a social responsibility project that Aurora intends to promote to sensitize all SPORTS DANCE practitioners to RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT and to reuse recycled material to be transformed into something BEAUTIFUL or USEFUL. The purpose of the project reflects one of the core VALUES that has always distinguished Aurora's philosophy: CONVERT, REQUALIFY, TRANSFORM NEGATIVE into POSITIVE, WASTE into TOOL or, even, into WORK OF ART.

1 sheet saved = 1 tree earned

"The key factor in reducing the impact of paper is recycling" This is stated by Michael Renner, a researcher at the Worldwatch Institute, in an article published by the online journal Vita Signs Online. This is why Aurora has always paid particular attention to its documents, printing the front and back of each sheet and reusing old documents that cannot be archived for notes or prints for daily use. There is no notice on the notice boards of the DanzAurora Studio that is not printed on the back of an old document to be trashed. Consuming less paper means reducing global deforestation, responsible for the enormous quantities of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the killing of plants, thus taking away the "breath" from the world. Let the Earth breathe! Let the Earth breathe!

Welcome Bank Transfer!

The bank transfer is a simple, fast and ecological way to settle your payments, most of the times you can do it by simply pressing a button on your smartphone. Aurora, therefore, has decided to reduce its environmental impact in terms of electricity consumption and the issue of printed paper, promoting this form of payment, sending each incoming bank transfer, the sending of the relative online receipt.

The dustbin paradise

The ecological island outside the DanzAurora Studio, in which the waste bags are contained, is made with carefully treated and assembled recovery sheets to ensure impermeability, passage of air and prevention of bad smells, as well as protection from bad weather for the external electrical control unit. Its measures are such as to be able to contain large containers of different types of waste, so that the baskets of the structure can be emptied daily without excessive use of the bags supplied, avoiding unnecessary waste. Furthermore, the ecological island has sufficient space for the conservation of those bags closed on days other than those foreseen by the door-to-door collection, without this incongruity causing disorder to the environments outside the building.

DanceSport Towels

All the toilets of the DanzAurora Studio are equipped with a towel, replaced every day, instead of the classic paper towel dispenser. A service, just like at home, which aims to change consumer habits, in order to do its part in reducing paper consumption, which is still very high in Western countries, and reducing its environmental impact. The advice is to have your own personal towel, for greater hygiene and respect for the environment!
An immaterial ecological form, but always topical and above all effective for a Dancer and a sportsman in general, is the "cleaning" of the mind. Often the frustrations for disappointing performances, difficult goals to achieve or unsatisfactory race results lead to behaviors that do not conform to what would be the model behavior of a true sportsman. Aurora has also decided to recycle this kind of emotional waste, inspired by the self-regulation initiative of its athletes, who have decided to "tax" at the price of 1 € a series of more frequent erroneous behaviors and have proposed and obtained that this measure was put in the records of the Official Aurora Internal Regulations in the paragraph "Sanctions".

One for all! One cap for one!

One of the very first initiatives in terms of sustainability was that of collecting bottle caps in a special container. For many years Aurora has donated its caps to staff in charge of "The Children's Week", a historic event in Camerata Picena, while today the delivery takes place directly at the collection point in via Aristide Merloni 9 in Ancona, at the issuer's headquarters. E'TvMarche, which collects the caps on behalf of the Association "The smile of Daniela", which deals with various charitable initiatives. Whoever puts away caps all year round is good for the planet, but also for others.

Music and Rhythm mark the perfect harmony between Body, Mind and Environment

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